September is a great month at our house as we celebrate Cookie’s birthday all month! She was a stray that was found in the road, so we don’t know exactly when she was born. Her vet guessed it was around September, so better celebrate the entire month just to be safe – haha! If you missed our cookie of the month recipe, check it out here. I spoiled her all month and we kicked it all of with a few goodies. You have got to see Cookie’s birthday gifts!
Cookie’s birthday gifts
Since this is her first birthday with me, I got her 5 gifts to celebrate her 5th birthday. Here’s what she got:
1 – Schesir Natural Cat Food
If you don’t know Schesir already, they are a great, natural pet food brand! We worked them a few months ago to feature their starter packs on our Instagram. Since then, Cookie has been hooked! Schesir is a little bit more expensive than a traditional store-brand, but so worth it. Cookie never leaves a crumb in her bowl! They have a wide selection of both wet food and dry food options for cats & dogs.
This cute bag is from our friends at Nekonekopost Someone is ready for lunch!
What I like best is that I know what is in her food! Sometimes you get grey blobs in a tin from different brands. With Schesir, I can visually identify all the ingredients! That’s definitely a plus when you are living with a queen, like Cookie. I’m surprised she hasn’t had me start testing her food before I give it to her. Don’t give her any ideas, please! Though, with Schesir, I don’t think I would mind it too much. Haha!
Trial Pack (7 tins of wet food + sample packet of kibble) :
6 tins of wet food via Amazon France:
2 – Pets Unlimited Salmon Sandwich Treats
A new pet supply shop opened here in Rouen, France, and I got to visit on the first day. Cookie loves a good treat or two, so I knew I wanted to grab a bag for her. This shop didn’t have some of her usuals, but I found these cute little treats from Pets Unlimited. It’s a brand I didn’t really know before, but pretty happy with them!
Cookie checks out her new treats. Cookie can get her own treats!
I love the look and Cookie loves the taste, too. It was relatively cheap for a pet supply shop, I think the only ones in France to sell this brand is Animalis. You can also find them on Amazon UK, but that’s not super convenient now thanks to Brexit.
Animalis (France):
Amazon UK:
3 – Cat Design Antique Books Scratcher
I was just about to leave the pet supply shop, where I found Cookie’s treats, when I see this beauty. At first, I thought it was just a prop. It was sitting on a shelf, so it just looked like a bit of staging. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was a scratcher! Cookie needed a new one as she goes to town on her reguarly at 11pm, 2 am, and 6am. You know, the times when I’m trying to sleep 3 meters/10 feet away.
Cookie is eager for me to unwrap her gift. Pefect purr-gonomy – just the right height and sturdy!
When I got home and took the plastic off, I was surpised by how sturdy the cardboard was. It should definitely last Cookie a bit of time! Plus, it looks super cute and doesn’t clash too much with the rest of my apartment. Sometimes you can get cute scratchers, but they are bright pink or in some weird, obnoxious shape. This one is perfect for us!
Animalis (France):
(Sorry, international links are not available – I searched everywhere online!)
4 – Europet Bernina D&D Rustic Basket Bed
I’ve seen a number of cute beds and little nesting areas for cats on Instagram recently. It really made me want to up our game. Cookie had a few favorite sleeping spots already, like her cat tower and her little box house. I wanted something a little more stylish, and that’s exactly what I found. It was the only one of its kind they had in stock when I went to the shop. I was afraid it would be too small, but it was just the right size for her!
Didn’t even get to take the tag off! Kneading some biscuits. Purrfect sleeping spot!
As soon as I gave it to Cookie, she jumped right in and started kneading biscuits. It’s her new favorite sleeping spot and I see her in it every morning as I leave for work. She looks so comfortable, makes me really want one for myself, too! Haha!
Amazon France:
Animalis (France):
5 – Kong Connects Kitty Comber
The last gift is kind of a gift for myself. A friend on Instagram posted a photo of his cat using this self-brushing toy and I had been looking for one for a long time. Review for certain ones on Amazon and other sites were not great. So I kind of gave up for a little bit as I don’t have much floor space to devote to another toy. When I was looking for one last gift, I found this baby: The Kong Connect Kitty Comber! It slides under the door so it doesn’t take any extra space. Plus, it has a little spot for catnip so Cookie is always brushing against it.
Nap first, scratch later. It slide right under the door!
Keeping up with Cooki’s brushing routine can be quite time-consuming, this allows to do a little less everyday. That’s definitely a great value for my money there! Cookie’s birthday gifts are also a gift for me!
Amazon US/International:
Animalis (France):
I’m not sure how I’m going to one-up myself next year when it comes to Cookie’s birthday gifts! I think she was quite happy this year, hope I find some great ideas before then. If you have any recommendations or questions, please let me know!
Talk to you all soon,
Joshua & Cookie